
January 11, 2022
Has your garage door started to make an unusual noise when it is opening? Is the door not moving like it used to?
September 29, 2020
Are you getting sick of having an uneven garage door? It’s time to level your door, so it looks great and provides your garage with the protection it needs.
March 13, 2019
There are plenty of things that homeowners replace at regular intervals such as roofing shingles, their siding, and all their appliances, but when was the last time you changed your garage door opener? Most people aren’t even sure how old their garage door opener is, much less when it needs to be changed. You may be surprised to learn that the average lifespan of an electric garage door opener is only 10 to 15 years. There are a few high-quality options, such as the LiftMaster’s Elite Series, that can last a little longer, however.

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